"I was looking for a chance to be in Asia" - Laura Kessler

Hi there,

My name is Laura Kessler I am from Switzerland. I did my bachelor in university of St.Gellen (HSG), St. Gellen, Switzerland at that time I was doing my bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, I would say I am inspired by that degree where I am now myself as a confidence person . If I talk about my education carrier I got a chance to be in Singapore and USA for different kind of educational courses. It all focused on Law and Economics and Asian investment management course as well. Since my degree focuses on strategy and Asian culture I was very keen to experience in real Asian culture with their behavior when it comes to the business world. So I was looking for a chance to be in Asia, with the passage of time I was having two option “India or Sri Lanka” those two were spinning in my mind for quite some time, but the thing was at that time the social situation in India was not good for being there and ultimately I thought that I would rather going to Sri Lanka than India. Then I was looking for an internship which would suit for my desires. At the end of June I came across the Spectrum project which was really helpful to me to enhance my entreprunual skill and strategy making ability. So I thought I would better going to Sri Lanka for six weeks and participate for the Spectrum-enterprunal project at jayawardhanapura local committee and  I am really happy to say that I had the best time in my life. As far as I know this Spectrum project is initiated by Aiesec JLC that focuses on entrepreneurship development in Sri Lanka through AIESEC internship program while giving ideas to the EPs about how Sri Lankan SMEs are doing their business activities. Actually I was looking for something which could stay last for my life time. In 12th of july I came to sri lanka, and after being here I was accommodated with a host family and i should say that they were not just friends but family to me they treated me as if I were their daughter. Moreover first couple of days it was quite a bit hard to me to adapt to this climate because I didn’t know anyone here, how to get to the city, supermarkets and cultural differences as well but for the time being It became normal.

While doing my internship I was travelling with the other EPs all around the Sri Lanka to see beautiful places, cultural things, breathtaking sceneries. For instance we have been to nice beaches which were situated in Galle, Trincomalee, Arugambee, we went to Sigirya, Polonaruawa, Yala as well. We were at the Pinnawala elephant orphanage which was really amazing. It was good to hang around with other interns from different project and sharing experience with them.

What is more I went to the global village and it was really good I had the best opportunity to get to know people who were from other LCs. All in all I had  an amazing life changing experience by participating to the Spectrum project I am really glad that I could be the part of this project and I want to thank you people who are from Aiesec JLC for giving this vital opportunity to me and keep continuing this Spectrum project,

Thank you
Laura- Exchange Participant Aiesec Sri lanka               


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