AIESEC community uses its own jargon. The following is the list of the most common AIESEC abbreviations

  • @ — International symbol for AIESEC
  • LC — Local Committee
  • LCP — Local Committee President
  • LCM — Local Committee Meeting
  • LF — Leadership Forum
  • EB — Executive Board (president and vice-presidents)
  • VP (or LCVP) — Vice President. They are: OGX, CR, TM, Fin, COMM and AR (updated EB VPs circa 2008).                                              
  • OGX (or Student Relations) — OutGoing eXchange (title of a responsibility field): marketing, getting new members, organizing Review Boards and teaching about internship processes
  • ICX (or Corporate Relations) — InComing eXchange: contacting companies, getting sponsors, selling AIESEC and earning internships. ICX is a former portfolio which merged with Corporate Development. Dealing with the intern and the company used to be done by these two separate portfolios. Now, CR takes care of both incoming interns and their respective employers to ensure their satisfaction.
  • TM — Talent Manager: interviewing new members, checking their progress in @XP, solving problems and issues, reallocating members to destined positions, intern servicing.
  • Fin (sometimes F) — Finance: keeping track of committee's profits and losses, reallocation of financial resources, buying equipment for the betterment of LC's life
  • ER — External Relations (former portfolio which branched out to AR and COMM)
  • AR — Alumni Relations: responsible for keeping track of AIESEC Alumni members, re-engaging them through events, getting sponsorships and contacting companies through them.
  • COMM (sometimes COM) — Communication: responsible for AIESEC marketing, exposure, branding, relationships with the university, media coverage and updating information on the AIESEC websites. 
  • PM — Project Manager
  • IS — Information Systems or Information Management — people responsible for IT issues
  • Leadership Team — EB, project managers and other AIESEC leaders in the LC (Support, IS, etc.)
  • OC — Organizing Committee — group that is organizing a certain event (for example a conference)
  • OCP — Organizing Committee President
  • OCM — Organizing Committee Meeting
  • LTT — Local Trainers Team
  • LDS — Leadership Development Seminar
  • Faci — Facilitator of the certain event, they give lectures, seminars and speeches
  • MC — Member Committee, national AIESEC leading group
  • MCP — Member Committee President
  • MCVP — Vice President of Member Committee
  • AI — AIESEC International, the highest administrative body of AIESEC
  • PAI — President of the AI
  • NST - National Support Team
  • Matching — Procedure where placements and exchanges are brought together (it's done through
  • EP — Exchange Participant, person who will be an intern and will go on an exchange
  • Trainee — is what the Exchange Participant (EP) is called when they are in the country where they are doing their internship.
  • PBoX — Project Based on eXchange
  • CEED — Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development. This is an AIESEC exchange program designed to help AIESEC grow.
  • CEEDer — is a person on a CEED. They either help AIESEC of another country or learn from them.
  • BCP — Best Case Practise
  • KPI — Key Performance Indicator. This is a tracker used by TM (Talent Management) to see how their LC (Local Committee) is performing.
  • Exchange types — there are four exchange types in AIESEC:
  • MT - Management Traineeship (economic and finance issues)
  • DT - Development Traineeship (social and environmental issues)
  • TT - Technical Traineeship (technology and engineering issues)
  • ET - Education Traineeship (teaching and coaching issues)
  • Newies — New AIESEC members
  • @XP or AIESEC XP — AIESEC eXPerience (or just XP), model that describes what kind of experiences members can gain during their AIESEC time.


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